It must be milestone week. First, 5000 posts for The Inquisitr, now 10 million page views. We snuck past the 10m mark some time on March 23 US time, or morning March 24 AEDT.
The funny stat: if we take a line from Oct 5 (US time) our 5th month anniversary, we’ve done 9 million pages views since then. From Dec 5, we’ve done 7.4 million. Goes to prove the point: it takes 6-9 months for a blog to establish itself one way or another.
Hopefully for our first full year, May 5, we’ll come in at around 12.5 million page views.
I should add: ignore the drop at the end of the chart, for some reason the total view doesn’t offer a full count for the current day and it is suppose to go up, not down.
Congrats Duncan. I've been enjoying you, Steven and the gang on The Inquisitr. I'm always digging your tech, and find myself sneaking peeks at your celeb news too.
Want to add my congrats and echo Hutch's comment.
Well done!
that's pretty amazing stat you have there duncan. Congrats to you.
very impressive stat, congratulations to you!
wow ! this is really something. Imagine 10 million page views. whew!
wow ! this is really something. Imagine 10 million page views. whew!
wow ! this is really something. Imagine 10 million page views. whew!