72 million blogs on Windows Live Spaces, do you believe me now about Technorati?

August 21, 2006

Robert Scoble reports that there are now 72 million blogs on Windows Live Spaces alone, this when Technorati tracks 50 (odd) million all up across the globe…and people don’t believe me when I say there is 300 million odd blogs out there on the internet because they tell me Technorati says there are 50 million….

Of course, Robert rightfully challenges these figures based on activity and content, but it’s important to note what the question is. If the question is how many blogs does Windows Live Spaces have, the answer is clearly 72 million, in the same way that when I use to count these things over at the Blog Herald I’d come up with figures of around 200 million…if the question is how many active blogs they are given a number of criteria (activity, original content etc) the answer is naturally different. Both are questions that should be made and are worthy of answer, but it’s important to note the difference.

3 responses to 72 million blogs on Windows Live Spaces, do you believe me now about Technorati?

  1. Hey,
    read your comment on micropersuasion.com and replied to it. About activity, out of the ~13 million profiles I scanned, more than 10 million are inactive, which can tell us as much about the activity of blogs, if any. I agree the numbers are high and out of them, the no. of real active bloggers is a very small percentage. You can read more here if interested:

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  1. Dead2.0 » Should VCs fund bloggers’ wet dreams? - August 25, 2006

    […] The term “blogging” alone is enough to cause a ruckus in some circles.?É‚Äö?Ç Some people think it’s a personal thing, others think it’s the opposite.?É‚Äö?Ç Some are motivated by ego.?É‚Äö?Ç Wait, no, all are motivated by ego.?É‚Äö?Ç And as I’ve previously reported, virtually all humans (and even some pets) are doing it (and I’m not the only one who doesn’t like the numbers).?É‚Äö?Ç For most of us, it’s some form of hobby.?É‚Äö?Ç Or an outlet.?É‚Äö?Ç Or a career move.?É‚Äö?Ç And some have hit the big time.?É‚Äö?Ç But all want to. […]