How Do We Make Safari Better?

admin —  September 3, 2007 — 9 Comments

After experiencing the same issues with Firefox in Mac OSX as I had previously encountered under Windows, about a week ago I switched from using Firefox to Safari full time. Unfortunately something in the WordPress code doesn’t work in Safari so I’m using Firefox on occasion, but only for writing posts.

Short version: love it.

Safari 3 under OS X is quick, it renders pages nicely and it is a total pleasure to work with.

But it has limitations.

For starters, there isn’t the plugins available for Safari as there is with Firefox. You also cant customise certain features, for example I’m not a fan of how it deals with an overflow of tabs; in Firefox I can reduce the tab size and fit a whole lot more on a line.

So how does one get Apple to make Safari better?

I suppose the question may have a similar answer to how do you get Mozilla to make Firefox more stable and less of a memory hog?…both are probably impossible, but I’m open to suggestions. Also if anyone has any recommendations for Safari plugins, I’ve noticed a few about but haven’t tried any yet.