Although I haven’t had the opportunity to blog as much lately as I’d like, the ability to work from my lounge room, in front on my TV through Wi-Fi and laptop has radically changed the way I work at home. From hours in my office I’ve now been liberated from the desktop to the laziness of the 3 seater lounge! The net effect is hours more of the web, although at this stage not more time blogging due to work constraints….. may be after the election, either way I highly recommend the experience that Wireless Internet provides, now if only Australia would embrace free WiFi internet access like the US has…I look on with envy when I read Dave Winer whinge about visiting the rare town without it, and others who can sit outside a public library and surf the net for free when the nearest WiFi hotspot is 80km south of 180km north from here, and then only if you’re willing to pay the ridiculous amount of AUD$11 per hour!!!!