Another day, another set of refreshing feeds

November 6, 2006

Am I currently the only person out there who is sick and tired of refreshing feeds? If you’re using Bloglines and you’re subscribed to any feed that uses feedburner you’ll know what I mean. I just re-read the last 2 days posts for Techcrunch for the third time today. Blogaholics I saw 1 month old posts, the b5media blogs….they refresh so often that I’ve started to hesitate reading them all, because I’m getting the same stuff over and over and over and over and over….ENOUGH ALREADY. I don’t know whether it’s feedburner or whether its Bloglines, but for the love of god would people from both companies share a bottle or two of a good Western Australian Red and sort this issue out!

5 responses to Another day, another set of refreshing feeds

  1. Hmm, not too bad.. Though for more than a week I’ve been getting Tony Hung’s last 10 or so posts at the Blog Herald that keep refreshing. And some of problogger’s posts from when Darren was away keep refreshing.

    I can also see one or two of my own posts from one of my blogs keeps doing it, and I’m quite sure it’s just the feedburner one. Also, I think it’s been happening more since I got feedvertising….

    Whatever it is, I agree it’s quite annoying!! I’m tempted to try Google Reader properly, but I’ve read that that has been known to be worse than bloglines.

  2. Just an FYI that it isn’t happening with Techcrunch feeds in my Newsgator Online reader so I’m guessing it isn’t a Feedburner problem.

  3. I don’t know… Just that on, they use directly feed, and it hangs on there website for months at a time. No Bloglines involved there. On the contrary to the poster above me, I believe FeedBurner may be to fault, in the case at least.

  4. It definitely annoys me too. And seems so random. Like Blogaholics today refreshing a mix of new and old posts randomly. The b5 ones definitely annoy me a great deal.

    Another pet peeve of mine is the constant refresh of Google News feeds in Bloglines. If no new news is available, the last 10 items will be reposted as new, because for some reason those never mark as read for long. Annoying.

  5. I switched to Google Reader. No more refreshing feeds for me. Yee haw!