Arrington is right, BlueDot rocks

admin —  January 3, 2007 — 1 Comment

Michael Arrington over at TechCrunch gave his annual list yesterday of Web 2.0 companies he couldn’t live without. Included on the list was BlueDot. Writes Arrington:

“BlueDot is a social bookmarking service that is similar to I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ve started using it instead of becasue I like the interface better and it allows sharing of bookmarks just among friends, whereas with you have to choose between fully public and fully private bookmarks. The company launched in July and had an update in October.”

I’ve spent 24 hours playing with the service, and I’m hapyp to say he’s right, it has a much easier interface than, particularly with the ability to post your bookmark without ever leaving the page you’re in through a very nice use of what I presume is DHTML and Ajax. I’ve never been a huge fan because I’ve always found it too cumbersome, where as BlueDot is a sinch to use, and it’s super quick. The only thing really lacking at this stage for the service is third party plugins for WordPress, being the new comer though I’d expect to see WP plugins for the service in the future. In the mean time though it was easy to cut and paste a BlueDot box into my right side bar, they give you a number of options, plus you can also pull bookmarks via an RSS feed as well. Recommended.


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