Blogtipping September 2006

admin —  September 2, 2006 — 0 Comments

blog tipping

The first of each month is Blog Tipping Day according to Business Blogwire, and each month the list of people participating seems to continue to grow, so it’s time I had a go as well :-). Yes, it is September 2 as I write this, but it’s still September 1 on the West Coast on the United States so hopefully this entry still counts.

Unusual Business Ideas That Work

1. Always fascinating business ideas
2. Posts are regular and I get my daily feed
3. Easy to read layout
Tip: Blogger sucks, get a WP blog!

Bryanboy: Le Superstar Fabuleux

1. It’s just fab
2. I always smile
3. I love the pose
Tip: Where are my stickers BryanBoy?!!!

OutofSight Media Blog

1. The story of getting the pics is often more exciting than the pictures themselves
2. A cut above the rest
3. Simple, easy to read design
Tip: Running a forum involves participating on it.

