Congrats to LifeHacker

admin —  March 15, 2007 — Leave a comment

I’d comment on this post, but unfortunately like all Gawker Media blogs you need an invite to comment and so far I’ve only got commenting rights at Valleywag (hint, hint 🙂 ). Congrats though to LifeHacker on picking up the award for best group weblog at The Bloggies. To be honest I probably only subscribed 6 months ago, and some days I wish I hadn’t, it’s far too useful and I probably need less things installed on my computer, not more. It’s also great to see a site that has a positive message going well in an age where snark, gossip and snipping is par for the course. Today I’m hooked, and I hope to be for many years to come. LifeHacker should be the jewel in Nick Denton’s crown because it really is just a completely wonderful site, and if that sounds corny I can only apologise, it’s just that good.