Could the Libs win in WA?

admin —  September 1, 2008 — 4 Comments

The headline is probably inaccurate, because the reality in Australian politics is that oppositions don’t win elections, incumbents lose them. Polling is tight from what I’ve read, but word on the street from a few people I’ve spoken to has Carps on the nose, and Barnett looking like a safe choice after years of Liberal instability.

Having said that though, two issues: one vote, one value makes the throwing out the Carpenter Government way harder than it has ever been before. Second, well…it’s the same as the first. There’s going to be a swing against the Government, but will it be in the right places? Extending the gas pipeline from Bunbury to Albany is a solid idea, but the voters in Manjimup don’t deliver enough votes for victory.

If the Liberals do get up, and a small part of me, as an ex-Liberal wishes that they will, it won’t do anything for the betterment of politics in this country, because it will only go to prove once again that vision has been replaced by cynicism amongst voters. Also it’s important to remember, on a wide range of issues, the ALP is to the right of the Liberal Party in the state. It was one of the many reasons I quit back in 2005.