DFAT: Dont travel to Pommie Land

August 10, 2006

Yikes! (via News.com.au)

THE Government has warned Australians of the threat of an imminent terror attack in the UK after police foiled a major plot to blow up aircraft…

New advice issued this afternoon by the foreign affairs department advised Australians in the UK or thinking of travelling to the UK to exercise caution and monitor developments because of the risk of terrorist attack.

“We advise you to exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety because of the risk of terrorist attack,” the new DFAT advice says.

“Pay close attention to your personal security and monitor the media for information about possible new safety or security threats.”

Mother England is no longer safe again..what has the world come to.

4 responses to DFAT: Dont travel to Pommie Land

  1. Biggest threat seemed to be UK to US flights – supposedly the attack was bound for American cities just using Britain as a launch pad so to speak.

    Airports in chaos though – you’ll be lucky to get in even if you want to 🙂

  2. We should avoid to go such places that have threat of terrorism. It is really hurting such people, who have to cancel their plan. so we should be very careful in choosing destination to travel

  3. we should follow the rules, policies of Govt. & choose exact places that have calm, soothing & also all traveling facilities as well. so it is good post on a awesome topic