Does Size Matter in the global economy?

admin —  November 22, 2006 — 3 Comments

An interesting observation I’ve made while I was away: size sometimes is different. It’s odd, but it’s the little things you notice: the fact that the toilets are full of water and are low to the ground, that 10c coins are smaller than 5c coins….and in North America a broadsheet newspaper isn’t the same size as it is in Australia. The National Post in Canada…or the NY Times for that matter are suppose to be broadsheets….but they aren’t….they’re more like tall sheets as opposed to broadsheets, they’re the same height as an Australian broadsheet (think the SMH or The Australian) but width wise their like a tabloid. Bizarre to me, but it shows the point that although we call something an Apple in one part of the world, the Apple may be different in another part of it. Does size matter? In design, is a layout that you like going to be acceptable elsewhere? From font size, line spacing…catering to the various screen widths. Food for thought.