Enough Is Enough

March 7, 2010

Despite the Indian Media, local Indian representatives, and even family members calling racism this week, guess what.

The tragic death of the 3 yr old child (and I don’t give a shit what colour his is, he’s 3) came about due to an Indian national in the house.

Yeah, terrible racism again Indian media. And Indian student association head.

Enough is enough.

I don’t doubt that a very small number of attacks here might have been racially motivated. But I’m sick and tired of the whole racist meme, when most attacks weren’t.

And low and behold, like the last murder, the murder was within the Indian community.

Where’s the apologies Indian media. Where’s the apologies Indian community reps on ABC radio who called racism?

Here’s the important thing: he lived in the same house as the kid who died. That kid never disappeared, the guy took him, and I’d hope the others in the house are charged because given the “screaming” there is NO way the rest didn’t know.

3 responses to Enough Is Enough

  1. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/indian

    The last sentence which has no relation to the victim or families involved …
    “There have been a string of attacks on Indians in Australia, with one of them proving fatal.”

    Indian media apparently are the ones with the racial motivation to discriminate Australian.

  2. ive heard from a lawyer friend that some theories are,

    that A; he made the kid inhale domestos to stop him yelling- the boy was having normal bored kid tantrum. Then put him in the boot.(What happened to taking kids to a park to play to run off steam?..)
    Version B is even worse; he told the kid they were playing a game and put him in the boot to shut him up-shudder-what a sociopath.i.e devoid of feelings/empathy for others.Charges are alleged;y to be upgraded.
    this guy was investigated TWO Whole YEARS AGO for arriving on a false passport.what the hell was he still doing here???our immigration system is a joke.
    Off topic;Caucasians are fast becoming an endangered species.i love balanced multiculturalism but there is jack vetting done these days.
    p.s japan has zip immigration and are they called racists??no.

    from a despondent tracey.rip little boy.

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