Expedia caught spamming Google

May 6, 2006

SEO Black Hat blog reports that Expedia is spamming Google’s search results for terms including Viagra.

I’m not sure exactly what the corporate structure is at Expedia these days, but the use to be owned by IAC Corp, the very same people that own Ask.com (previously Ask Jeeves) as well as other sites such as Hotwire.

Wonder if Google will take action?

3 responses to Expedia caught spamming Google

  1. That’s simply not true. It’s a free blog service, which is used for spamming.

    You might also say myspace and wordpress.org are spamming too.

  2. WordPress.org did spam though! Just search for WordPress hot nacho

    And MySpace is mostly spam.

  3. Yes wordpress.org did spam though