Feedpass debate rages

admin —  May 22, 2006 — Leave a comment

feedpassLots of debate emerging over the new feed service “feedpass“, a new service that allows your feed to have essentially it’s own multi-faceted feed subscription page, mainly because they allow you to create pages for blogs you don’t own, and earn revenue off it.

I won’t get into the whole copyright/ theft issue some are claiming, but essentially I like the idea, and I’ve dropped my buttons on the right hand side of duncanriley.com (at the time of writing at least) and put up the feedpass subscribe button. Click on it to check it out.

Michael Arrington at TechChrunch argues that feedpass does nothing:

In the end this just can’t compete with Feedburner, a much more robust solution for publishers. Feedburner provides stats and other tools that Feedpass doesn’t have at this time.

But I’d argue there is a reason I’m more attracted to feedpass as opposed to Feedburner, and that because feedpass doesn’t hijack my feed. There’s no need to change my feed details to a feedpass URL to use feedpass, as there is with Feedburner. Every link on my feedpass page is my RSS feed, not one delivered by another party. Sure, Feedburner provides a whole lot more in terms of extras, but I’ve always remained weary of basically signing away control of my feed to a third party. In this regards, feedpass fills an as yet uncatered for hole in the market, and I’m willing to give them a shot….at the end of the day if I decide I don’t want to use feedpass, I drop them, no problems with URL’s for feeds or anything of the like.
