Fred Wilson Can Kiss My Ass As Well

admin —  June 17, 2007 — 12 Comments

Fred Wilson thinks nothing good comes from people over 30, that only kiddies can produce great Web 2.0 companies. Fred Wilson can kiss my ass.

Hey, perhaps black people can’t produce good Web 2.0 startups as well Fred? Oh, forgot, discrimination on the basis of race is outlawed, obviously age discrimination is the United States isn’t…or is it? Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the next 30+ entrepreneur sued Fred when he turned them down because OMG they might be married, have a kid or two or even worse still, have the odd gray hair.

When I look back on my past my life after 30 has been my most productive years. From 20-30 I was lost, had one job after another trying to find something that worked for me. I made a pile of mistakes, and the worst was teaming with self obsessed hypocritical c’s. 30 wasn’t much better, the excesses of youth combined with a moral dilemma that pushed me to the brink. 31 has been much better, free of the shackles of selling my soul for the holy dollar I’ve been more productive and have more on the go that I’ve ever had before, and am now more happy than I’ve ever been.

Dave Winer says it well: I did it anyway. At 29 I became obsessed with the notion that you have to do it by 30, at 31 I know that it’s a complete crock of shite. There are no shortage of examples of companies founded by 30, 40 and even 50 year olds. Kids can be creative, but common sense and experience comes with age. Wine improves with age, people do as well.