Google Browser Sync?

June 9, 2006

Google has announced Google Browser Sync, a Firefox Plugin that basically backs up your bookmarks, passwords, cookies and what not to the Google servers so you can access them from anywhere in the world if you are away from your computer.

Honest thoughts: do people really want to give Google access to everything? I guess they probably know everything about me anyway, given they can find it all in my gmail account, but I’m not sure I want Google tracking every single last thing I do online more than they do already 🙂


4 responses to Google Browser Sync?

  1. Terrorists are ruining the internet! I’ll make the connection…

    Google releases all these cool little apps where people sign up and give up all their info and internet habits. There’s no stone left unturned when they’re done.

    Terrorists use the internet to communicate too. The government wants to track them and catch them, so they pass laws that give them rights to people’s surfing, email, accts. and search habits on sites like Google.

    But in a few years when the terrorists are caught, the governments still have access to Google…

    And you can get the next chapter of my conspiracy theories by emailing me at *****[at]

    P.S. – Tinfoil hats are useless against them 😉

  2. Well, comfortable thing! I do much travel and after every trip have problems with synchronization my pc and laptop. It plugin would be very useful for me.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Bookmark Base blog - June 9, 2006

    Google Browser Sync – rival or not?…

    One of my friends, Andrew, asked me today if Google Browser Sync is our future-going rival?
    I checked Google Browser Sync page, launched my FireFox (usually I work in Opera, but I have a lot of browsers on my PC; guess why?) and installed that extensio…