Hmmm..Time To Get Moving

admin —  December 6, 2007 — 4 Comments

She who must be obeyed told me today she’s starting in the new job January 7, and I haven’t even called a removalist yet, let alone called a real estate agent (husband of the boys God Mother is a real estate agent, and he’s one of the few honest ones).

Plan is for her to go across, possibly with the boy, and for me to follow later in the month once we’ve got the house sorted and presumably somewhere to live other than with my mother-in-law in Blackburn South. ETA of late January at the latest because the boy starts school early Feb and one of us (hint hint: the one who works for himself…from home 🙂 ) has to take responsibility there.

Hoping to get up to the December bloggers meetup in Perth, will be my last one so looking forward to it presuming I’m free to go.