If Browzer is bad, isn’t Yahoo! as well?

September 2, 2006

Looks like the Browzar browser might be a bit dodgy, with Techcrunch and the Web 3.0 log reporting that it’s actually IE in disguise + it’s what they claim as “adware”, because the browser utitlises Overture for search results and it’s near on impossible to change away from Overture. And yet Overture is 100% owned by Yahoo!, isn’t it?

OK, so it’s arguably poor practice to force someone to use a particular web search site, but we’re not talking about some shady net outfit here, we’re talking about Yahoo!, so is Techcrunch and Web 3.0 log saying Yahoo! is bad by participating via providing it’s services on Browzar?


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6 responses to If Browzer is bad, isn’t Yahoo! as well?

  1. That’s like saying Google is bad because they let spammers run Adsense on their splogs.. too much extrapolation.

  2. Simply blaming Yahoo! because Browzar is abusing their advertising system is wrong. It wasn’t Yahoo!’s choice to have Browzar use their ads in their program, so why blame them? Many spyware companies abuse Google AdSense and the Yahoo! Publisher Network (And countless other ad programs) – So should we blame Google and Yahoo! too?

  3. Alex,
    I forgot American’s sometimes don’t get irony and hidden messages, the point I make is that the Browzar browser isn’t that bad, and they aren’t really doing anything bad, just supporting their efforts by serving up Overture search results in the same way Firefox/ Mozilla has a deal with Google.

  4. Just use Stealth extension on Firefox, or click “private browsing” in Safari, or use a portable version of Firefox running off a pen drive with caches disabled.

  5. “force someone to use a particular web search site”

    It is possible to change it, but you have to edit the file with a hex editor:


Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Bigeau Blog - September 3, 2006

    Browzar : naviguer sans faire de traces….

    Le concept de ce navigateur web est simple, il va vous permettre de naviguer sur le net sans laisser de traces de votre surf sur l’ordinateur que vous avez utilis?É?í?Ǭ© ! Je suis s?É?í?Ǭªr que la plupart d’entre vous ?É?í?Ç d?É?í?Ǭ©j?É?í?Ç consulter son mail de…