Installing your own Wiki

admin —  January 18, 2007 — 3 Comments

wikiWith about 20 little projects going on at the moments I realised last week that my ability to remember everything that I was doing was fast fading. I’ve been using ZuluPad for the better part of 18 months, which is a great little software based personal Wiki – notepad on crack program for Windows XP, which I’m happy to recommend to anyone looking for a basic Wiki style program, however as it doesn’t scale well if you’ve got lots and lots of information you need to keep handy, notes to make, links etc. The question then became what next. I took a look around for a software based solution with little luck, somewhere along the line software makers decided that Wiki style programs aren’t in great demand. With a software solution ruled out the next stop was a coded solution – something created to work online but hosted locally, and what better solution than MediaWiki, the platform behind Wikipedia. Sure, I hate the markup required, but as everyone knows it does scale well. Question then became: what’s the best way to set it up? God bless, once again the folks at LifeHacker, who have this excellent guide to setting up MediaWiki on XP. You do need to install WAMP, the all-in-one PHP/MySQL/Apache installation for Windows, which I’d previously used, but the rest is easy. The Nichenet Wiki is up and running…now I’ve just got to fill it full of the stuff I’ll need to remember next week 🙂