LOL: We’re Apparently a Scrapper Site

November 23, 2009

There’s been lots of lulz following my reply to Media140 a couple of weeks back, but the best came from one person who claims that The Inquisitr is a scrapper site who copies and pastes content that isn’t our own.

Let me say up front that roughly 20-30% of our content (sometimes less) is most definitely copied and pasted.

But here’s the fact that is left off that allegation: we pay for that.

That is, we pay to syndicate content from AllHeadlineNews and Bang Showbiz.

Just like a standard newspaper pays to syndicate content from AAP, AFP, AP, Reuters or others.

Far from an issue that apparently calls The Inquisitr into some sort of doubt, those deals actually represent our maturity as an online news source, in that we happily pay to compliment our original content…just like Newspapers do.

Going forward, I also won’t rule out that we won’t sign more of these sorts of deals: it’s not as if they replace what we do in house (which drives most of the traffic), as opposed to compliment it (and particularly help us achieve most days 24/7 content.)

Naturally we’d love to bring on new writers, but likewise money is like a rollercoaster of late (not helped by the GFC): we have never booked a loss since December last year, but likewise some months are spectacular vs others.

The positive note is that going into December that November is on track to be our best month $ wise on record, be it not the best traffic month. Half time of year, half focus (particularly on tech.)

If some doubt me, ask our suppliers, or see our long standing text on the copyright page here

3 responses to LOL: We’re Apparently a Scrapper Site

  1. Nice one Duncan!
    Great post.

  2. It really saves me time and effort. scrapper site is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. scrapper site is worth much more than I paid.

  3. Sorry if your site was accused of that but try to renovate if its the case but if its not then i wish you more courage

  4. Sorry if your site was accused of that but try to renovate if its the case but if its not then i wish you more courage