Nichenet Announces The Launch of New Media News Site Medacity

August 12, 2011

MELBOURNE, Australia, August 12, 2011 – Web content development company Nichenet Pty Ltd today announced the launch of its latest online property Medacity (

The new site focuses on the latest news from the new media sector, covering big content (AOL, Yahoo, Demand Media and similar companies), video, audio, blogging, hyperlocal, mainstream media (where those companies have new media properties), service providers and aggregators.

The site will be headed by Nichenet CEO and Founder Duncan Riley, who has a long history in online publishing, having previously published The Blog Herald and The Inquisitr, written for TechCrunch, and was a co-founder of blogging network b5media.

“The idea of Medacity came about after I realized that no one in the market was exclusively covering the new media sector as a whole” said Riley. “Medacity seeks to fill a gap in the market by providing comprehensive coverage of the latest news and views from across the new media sector.”

“I started my online publishing career by establishing the very first site to cover the then new industry of blogging back in 2003 with The Blog Herald. In Medacity I have gone back to my roots with a site that seeks to chronicle the rise of the new media industry and age.”

Joining the Medacity team at launch with Riley are two Inquisitr veterans, James Johnson and Kim LaCapria.

“Medacity is an exciting project, it’s the first website to exclusively cover new media news and what new media could and should become in the future.” said Johnson. “With a team of new media veterans directing Medacity’s content I look forward to the industry being further explored, explained and exposed.”

Kim LaCapria added “I jumped at the chance to write about the space exclusively-
particularly during such a massive paradigm shift within the medium. The amount of relevant news on which to report seems to be increasing exponentially.”


Duncan Riley
t: +61 412844237

26 responses to Nichenet Announces The Launch of New Media News Site Medacity

  1. Congrats on the launch of Medacity.

  2. dafgadfgdfgadgdafg

  3. Congratulations, Duncan!

  4. Congrats on the start up – hope it meets all your dreams.

  5. Good luck with the new site.  It seems like you are on a roll now.  

  6. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work.

  7. Andrea Williams August 19, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    that’s great! right?

  8. Sounds like what 901am was going to be, or should have been!  In fact if you remember the title it was New Media News Every Morning!

  9. This is a good think to look forward to. Is this out already?

    Paola @ Reed Printers

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  12. Great this is really nice thnks!)

  13. Macintosh Data Recovery September 9, 2011 at 2:58 am

    It certainly looks like Medacity will offer the kind  of information that most web users are truly hoping to find.

  14. very cool post! thanks a lot for sharing!

  15. This is really interesting thing good post. Thanks you for your work!

  16. that’s a very interesting to hear, this news site will definitely be a very informative source of news.

    Robert White…..



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