Now that’s a Six Pack

admin —  March 21, 2006 — 1 Comment

Yikes. Australian runner Sarah Jamieson, who got a Silver in the 1500m at the Commonwealth Games. It’s the first event I actually watched at the games on TV. I’d decided to have a break from the computer tonight. It lasted about 20 minutes.

The race though was quite entertaining. The hype before hand was that Australia had never won a medal in this event. But I just couldn’t get over Jamieson’s Six pack while watching it. The English girl who won the event looked nothing like this. Indeed, none of the other girls did. My wife rang me (she’s away for work at the moment) after the race and asked me whether I’d seen the six pack on Jamieson. I’d love to have a six pack like that 🙂 As for Jamieson, she’d be an interesting girl to know. Let’s just say she’d be quite dominant in any relationship I’d think.

(photo credit: the front page of The Age.)