admin —  January 25, 2007 — 5 Comments

I read in the weekend papers that there was a strong chance of this happening, but it’s confirmed: Crowded House is reforming after a break of 10 years, minus of course Paul Hester who very sadly took his own life in 2005. The great new for fans who were never particularly fond of Tim Finn is that Neil doesn’t seem to be dragging his brother along this time (Woodface being the worst Crowded House record released, and the only one featuring Tim Finn). Neil has also announced that along with touring, he’s been working on a new album for the last twelve months with Nick Seymour: “Time on Earth” that will be released later this year. Personally, I couldn’t be happier, and I can’t wait to they hit Perth, Gold/ A class, what ever the best ticket is and costs, I’ll be there 🙂