On the dawn of my next great enterprise

August 3, 2011

The next site is ready to go. Indeed the template seems 99% there and we’re not launching yet because I never launch a site without some serious content up.

It’s going up within the next 2 weeks.

But I digress.

The new site covers a niche. It’s opposite to The Inquisitr which was always about volume.

I’m not saying volume is wrong but this site will never scale like The Inquisitr. What I’m hoping is that the CPM’s are so much higher that we can build strong traffic, but traffic that pays far higher rates.

I’ve already been asked by friends why not do a similar model again (like Inq) I mean, 8m+ page views in the third year were and remain awesome.

Maybe I’m a sadist, but I love a new challenge. I love taking on a new model and seeing if it works. Sure I could repeat what I’ve done before, but where is the fun, and challenge in that.

The new site is different, and a risk, but in many ways that’s the joy of it.

What I will say is the template is 99% finished and the team is starting to post. But we won’t launch until later this week or early next week. When I launch, I launch with content.

Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me, sent me good wishes, and also been my friend. I know that what I do for a living is a bit nuts…least the banks always tell me that when they refuse me money 🙂 But each time I start a new site, I am for higher traffic and more support than the one before. I can only hope that you all like it and will support me once again.

This site won’t appeal to everyone, but we will own an unmet niche, and I’d hope define a new media niche that hasn’t ever seriously been covered before.

I’ll be back in a week with the launch. Wish me luck 🙂

18 responses to On the dawn of my next great enterprise

  1. Good luck Duncan. I’m sure it’s going to be another successful venture.

  2. All the best, Duncan!

  3. Good luck! ))It’s going up within the next 2 weeks(?)
    waiting! :o)

  4. Duncan, It’s so weird that our lives are shadowing each other yet again.  Having decided that Blippitt was a huge time drain, I’m selling it as well.  In the generic news niche, I couldn’t get more than $0.40 – $0.60 CPM rates.  Even with huge traffic levels, it just wasn’t worth it revenue-wise.

    While that auction is going on over at Flippa, I’ve already launched a new niche “deals” site.  I’m hoping that I can do about half as much work for at least double the ad spend and reclaim my life a bit.  Ping me if you want to see the URL.Good luck with your new venture!

  5. Good luck Duncan, you don’t need it though. 🙂

  6. Duncan – I can’t wait to see what you’re up to – I’m sure it will be great!


  7. looking forward to it D, I hope I fall into that niche 🙂


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