Page or program?

April 25, 2006

I’ve got my little list of brilliant ideas (I seem to have new ones every day…so I just write them down, 99.9% never go any further) and I was wondering: which is a better way to develop tools to help bloggers: with an online ad supported site or via software?

Software can of course appear spammy, and with affiliate programs and what not you run the risk of abuse, however pages can be intensive (server wise) and with ad support don’t always deliver ROI.

There is always the possibility of combining the two as well, and software can also be ad (or search) supported.

Any one have any thoughts?

2 responses to Page or program?

  1. Well, we’re trialing an ad-supported, online publishing program right now. It’s at and is a complete textbook on business and technical writing. It was published in book form, but I’m now offering it for free. I know HarperCollins is trying this out too.

    In terms of which way is better: it’s always going to be horses for courses.

  2. A big part of the web 2.0 bubble is about moving the program into a page… but I tend to think that the program still has lots of value in specific cases.

    Depends on the application!