
Got an email from Peter Black this morning: the Australian Blogging  Conference is back on. Venue is QUT Brisbane September 28. Details here. Format is a Dave Winer style unconference. I haven’t booked a flight yet but I’ve already said yes to attending, I’m certainly not going to miss something I’ve been advocating for over the last 4 years 🙂

Why the AFL is Farked

admin —  August 27, 2007 — 1 Comment

Read this.

WTF? Instead of the issue being focused on yet another couple of AFL players being on the Persian rugs, I say yet another couple because if you look at the Weagles alone more than one are on them, the problem is Channel 7 publishing the truth. Yes folks: AFL players may boycott the Brownlow because Channel 7 said that they had evidence that AFL players were on the Persian rugs. I know now why my son will play the game from Heaven (Rugby Union) and not AFL. Want your next AFL team, head down to your nearest dark corner. As long as the AFL continues to condone drug use with absurd media bans and other behavior, Australians should unite and boycott the AFL, or perhaps just take drugs, after all that is what they are condoning.

On The Pod Episode 3 Is Live

admin —  August 27, 2007 — Leave a comment

OK, so I was shocked to find that my last post was to episode 2 a week a go. Yes, I need to start personal blogging some more, but in the mean time check out Episode 3 of On The Pod. This week I interview Bronwen Clune of PerthNorg.

On The Pod Episode 2 is Live

admin —  August 22, 2007 — 2 Comments

This weeks guest: Paul Montgomery from Tinfinger. Perhaps a little drier in topic this week (we talk Open ID and Attention) but hopefully an interesting chat none the less.

I’m getting better at the tech side as well, the volume levels were spot on and it was remarkably quick to edit and what not. Trying to work out how to export to MP3 on a Mac on the other hand….. I have since read though that iLife  08 supports MP3 direct creation from Garageband, it might be worth the upgrade.

Download or listen here.

Zoli Erdos rues buying a Vista machine. Raju Vegensa using the $1700 it was going to cost him to recover data from a Dell on a Macbook Pro.

I read late last week Cameron Reilly on Twitter complaining about issues with his PC. When a couple of folks suggested buying a Mac he said that dealing with PC issues is a manly thing to do: now I’ve heard everything.

The thing is, and the reason why I’m now a Mac desktop and laptop user (the Macbook Pro is the Ferrari to the Acers Proton, The Mac Pro is difficult to compare to anything, maybe Aston Martin? 🙂 ) is because time is too precious to deal with computer issues. This isn’t 1995, or 1989 for that mater, back when you might use your computer for the occasional game and a bit of word processing, with a whole ton of spare time in between for tweaking software and hardware. Time has a cost. Macs might be a little bit more expensive (and it’s really only a little bit when you compare PC hardware with the exact same specs) but the cost benefit works in your favor with the time saved by not having to maintain it or worry about drivers/ compatibility/ everything really the longer you use it. I can honestly say but except for occasionally forgetting the name of an installed app and not being immediately able to find it (my fault) I’ve never had an issue on my two Macs yet in around 6-8 weeks of becoming a Mac user.

BTW: for PC’s users thinking of coming across: Parallels covers you for Windows apps. I’m still using Windows Live Writer for my personal blogging, for playing Poker (no Mac Pokerstars client yet) and for general software testing. Windows runs better on the Mac than it ever did on my PC, and most importantly I’m not reliant on Windows for mission critical apps.

Interesting online discussion 12 hours after Strippergate hit the headlines. All the commentary I’ve seen so far has been from men who think Rudd has done nothing wrong. Of course they all would have done the same thing in the past (to an extent) although at least in my own credit I’ve never touched a stripper, after all who would want to be on the wrong side of a Kings Cross bouncer (for record the last time I was in a strip club was probably 19 or 20).

What the commentators are forgetting is the female vote. Women dont like strip clubs. Period, unless of course they are a stripper themselves, and even there you wouldn’t get a 100% favorable vote. Rudd will probably get a rise in the polls from men, but a big decline from women. Whether he has the viagra in his pocket to sway women voters again (as opposed to happy hands) will be seen in time.

Also some context as some have immediately compared Rudds lecherous hands to the shitfaced Glen Milne attacking Stephen Mayne last year: Milne wasn’t representing his country. Rudd was Opposition Spokesman for Foreign Affairs at the time (Shadow Foreign Minister) and was in New York representing Australian at the United Nations. If Rudd has done this at 18 instead of signing bible hymns and telling everyone how he’d be Prime Minister one day, we’d all accept it as a right of passage ritual (although again: I’ve never touched a stripper before, but maybe I was deprived). He did this as a grown man on the taxpayers pocket. We may laugh it of but it certainly brings into question his overall sense of judgement. I wonder if he’ll be inviting some world leaders down to the Cross during APEC? Maybe God told him to lay his healing hands on the strippers? 🙂 (another Christian hypocrite).

Our Next Prime Minister

admin —  August 18, 2007 — 3 Comments

An ode to Kevin Rudd (apologies for the nudity, it’s probably less than he looked at, or felt 🙂 )


Golden: from the same party that delivered a Prime Minister that held the world record for beer drinking comes Kevin Rudd, potentially (likely) the next Prime Minister of Australia who whilst representing Australia at the UN in 2003 allegedly got so maggoted he visited a strip club and “was warned against touching the dancers” by the management of Scores “Gentleman’s Club”. 

Even more hysterical is Rudd’s denial:

“After dinner, Mr Allan suggested to Mr Snowdon and I that we all go on for a drink. Mr Snowdon and I agreed,” he said.

“By that stage, I had had too much to drink.

“With the benefit of hindsight, I should not have gone on for a further drink.

“Not withstanding the fact that I had had too much to drink, I have no recollection (nor does Mr Snowdon) of any incident occurring at the nightclub – or of being asked to leave.

“It is our recollection that we left within about an hour.”

Short story: he was too pissed to remember. In some ways it actually makes me more likely to vote for him, but I get the feeling some Australian’s wont see it this way. I wonder if this was the big secret story Crikey was alluding to a couple of months back.

Spot reference: Rudds New York trip cost taxpayers $18k. I wonder if he claimed for the money he placed in the strippers g-strings? 🙂

Chartreuse is Back

admin —  August 18, 2007 — 2 Comments

The second post in roughly 24 hours from Prince Campbell. I didn’t post on the first one because I’ve see the stray post before. Chartreuse is back in the house and welcomed from me.  Lets hope the issues of last year are left behind and we see some great blogging once again. Prince is a great bloke who I had the opportunity of spending a bit of time with last year.

 It must of been something subliminal from me as despite having a big Google Reader purge about 5 weeks ago I left Chartreuse in my reading.

Makes sense, at least at the same level that religion as a whole does.

Spot question courtesy of Richard Dawkins: if there is a supernatural creator, who created the creator? 🙂