Valleywag’s obsession with outing Fake Steve Jobs misses the target. Let’s see: an articulate Pom with tech knowledge and a wicked way with words. Sounds like Nick Denton to me and what better way to draw attention away from yourself than point the finger at someone else on the second most read site in the Valley 🙂

Techmeme quirk

admin —  May 11, 2007 — 1 Comment

Shot taken today. Techmeme pointing to a February post from Tim O’Reilly. Coincidence that I linked to it at TechCrunch the same time that a couple of others did. Was third highest story until magically disappearing: I sense the hand of human intervention.


SMH coverage. TheWest coverage.

Was it at school or Uni I sat through a lesson that taught that in the modern era full employment was really 5% because we could never again go lower? The SMH thinks it’s unlikely to cause interest rates to rise, I don’t agree. That last 4.4% would be 75% unemployable.The employee shortage is phenomenal here in WA, if the rest of the country starts to get that way wages will explode even more so (remember truck drivers start on 100k here already), and that sort of money in the economy, coupled with the rising costs of goods created by higher marginal costs means higher inflation and higher interest rates. Time to start increasing the mortgage payments before the crunch comes 🙂

Hat tip for Just Some Dot Com for letting the world in on a hidden feature in WordPress’ WYSIWIG interface.

Short story, with the write screen in WordPress open, do this:

Windows Firefox: Alt+Shift+V (Firefox)
Windows Internet Explorer: Alt+V (Internet Explorer)
Mac OS X Firefox: Ctrl+V

and you get a complete line of extra goodies:

* Text styles
* Underline
* Full paragraph alignment
* Text coloring
* Two varieties of paste (text and Word)
* Formatting removal
* Code cleanup
* Custom character insertion
* Undo/redo

I wont be using all of them, but the insert character option will come in handy. Only a hour ago I had to try and type the EURO symbol for a post, had to Google how to do it. With the insert character feature I can now do it at the click of a mouse.

This is insane. And yet amazing at the same time.

Mig33 lands $10M

admin —  May 7, 2007 — 1 Comment

Red Herring reported Friday that Mig33, a company originally based in Perth(Western Australia) but now on the West Coast took $10m in funding Accel Partners and RedPoint Ventures with Technology Venture Partners in for good measure.

Mig33 offers mobile phone users voice over Internet Protocol, instant messaging, SMS-based text messaging, and social-networking services. Mig33 rolls all of its services into one mobile ?¢‚Ǩ?ìcommunity.?¢‚Ǩ¬ù

According to the report, Mig33?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s parent company, Project Goth, is based in WA based but relocating to Burlingame.

Of course from a pure economic viewpoint, moving makes total sense. Serious Web 2.0 startups need to be where it’s all happening.

And yet from a purely parochial view point I can’t help but feel sad, sad that the Federal Government (and indeed the Opposition as well) continues to ignore the massive potential Web 2.0 has for Australia as an industry that is well placed to pick up much of the nations growth once the mining boom eventually ends.

In an ideal world, our leaders would create a climate that would encourage Web 2.0 startups to stay in Australia, keeping their IP and potential profits within our shores.

And yet today, our brightest and smartest continue to flood overseas whilst our leaders remain obsessed with mining and finding as many ways as possible of restricting internet growth in Australia.

Why can’t the lucky country become the lucky country for web development? Why can’t our children go through school knowing that the web provides a wealth of opportunity on top of the obvious benefits our mineral wealth provides.

I’m still cold on voting Liberal at this years election for reasons I’ve previously written about, and yet the ALP just isn’t doing it for me either. Surely there must be some politician out there somewhere that gets it (although preferably one without a pile of leftist baggage)?

Found via Scoble a new service from one of the original ICQ investors: Speedbit Video Accelerator, a YouTube video acceleration service.

I’ve just tested it. No more hitting pause and waiting for the video to preload to a reasonable point at YouTube for me. It does exactly what it promises to do, so it’s staying installed, at least on my Desktop PC.

The program attempts to force an install of the Ask Toolbar which isn’t nice: the text for the option to not install it is deceptive as it reads with words to the effect “accept terms of use and install Ask toolbar”…I turned the option off the toolbar didn’t seemingly install; it’s just a little bit of a shame that such a great idea could be sullied by something like this.

BlogDesk updates

admin —  May 6, 2007 — 2 Comments

New version of Blogdesk out. It’s a bug fix and where as I was having some issues posting to some blogs before, the new version works a treat.

I’ve been using it for over 18 months now, and I still love it, mind you in this time I’m sure someone somewhere must have implemented inline copy and paste image handling, resizing and saving into a blogging tool: if anyone can recommend anything I’m happy to take a look.

You cant win them all

admin —  May 6, 2007 — 2 Comments

New review up at TechCrunch covering Twitbin. Mixed results in terms of comments, some people love it, some think it shouldn’t have been reviewed.

I’m a conviction writer, if I write about something I’ll do so for two reasons: 1. because it’s topical, and in the case of TechCrunch because it’s in the scope of the sites coverage or 2. because I like it. The later is an interesting one because there’s a smorgasboard of Web 2.0 related products I could be covering: the number of clones and variations on a theme is insane. Of course the way things are covered is a little bit more formal at TC than here, so I couldn’t really say what I’m about to say now.

Twitbin is cool.

It’s not perfect (opening links on a new page is annoying) but I was borderline in terms of giving up on Twitter, I just didn’t have the time nor inclination to be continually flicking back and forwards to it, now it’s inline in Firefox (the 22″ monitor helps) it’s no longer a burden or pain to use.

Sydney Daily Photo and Melbourne Today. Both photoblogs posting 1 photo from Sydney and Melbourne respectively every day. It’s a simple idea that just works, and in the case of Sydney Daily Photo it brings back a lot of memories for me, the author has had a strong focus on shots from The (Sutherland) Shire this week, the place I spent my childhood to 21 in growing up. If I had more time I’d consider doing something similar myself, the Panasonic FZ50 I bought a couple of months back makes for some amazing shots. Recommended.

Note: both are available as part of the Top 100 Australian Blogs feed OPML download.