Performancing Implodes

January 23, 2007

performancingI’ve not said anything about the stuff going on previously at Performancing mostly out of respect for Nick Wilson, the previous CEO, but it just keeps getting worse with news that Performanicng Partners, the advertising arm of Performancing is being closed down, this a month after Performancing Metrics was shut and Nick Wilson resigned from the company (possibly pushed). It’s got to be said: What the F*ck?!?! Soooooo much promise, such bizarre decisions, if someone behind the scenes is keeping a diary I’m sure it would make for a good read. Michael Arrington over at TechCrunch has even put the site on Deadpool watch. We’ll probably never get to know the truth behind what’s going on, but all in all it’s kind of sad as well. Vale Performancing.



2 responses to Performancing Implodes

  1. I think it’s another example of a crowded, rapidly maturing marketplace that’s slowly closing down to all but the best operators. Personally, I would define “best” as those who shrewdly stay away from hype, never get carried along by the prevailing whim of the crowd, keep their financial powder dry, and concentrate on quality products while not expecting too much in the first two years.

    Know any businesses like that, Duncan? 😉

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  1. Working at Home on the Internet - January 23, 2007

    […] Just in case you didn’t hear yet, Performancing Partners is Out of Business. I first read about it on Duncan Riley’s blog this morning. […]