PubSub in deep….you know what

admin —  June 7, 2006 — Leave a comment

Mike Arrington at Techcrunch reports on rumours that PubSub is imploding, which is interesting given they’ve just announced a deal with Burrellesluce Media Monitoring Services.

Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I tried using PubSub, I gave up on these guys a long time ago, particularly when Technorati started to get their act together again. Unfortunately whilst they had a lot of promise when they initially launched, they quickly sort of faded into the B-List blog search category for my liking, which is a shame, given they have some nifty charting tools and what not. Will be interesting to see how this story plays out, whether PubSub may eventually fail and close shop, or even be bought out by someone else.

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