Solis takes a good picture

August 28, 2008

Both show me tired, a little puffy, sadly (in retrospect) unshaven, bad hair (I’d confused the conditioner which said something like Apres Shampoo in french on it as being shampoo) but jeez Brian Solis takes a good pic.

Original source links via the pics themselves



11 responses to Solis takes a good picture

  1. Apres means after, Dunc. 😉

  2. Looking quite tired there Dunc, next time you have to travel, howabout giving me the tickets and you can rest up. k?

  3. Top one's the best pic I've taken of you. Not that I'm an expert in how tired you look, but you seemed lively everytime I saw you at Gnomedex 🙂 And, yeah, Brian's pics are among the best 😉

  4. Hey, but you're a celebrity in Germany now.
    You made it into a quiz in Germany's largest weekly:


  5. BTW the title of the quiz is

    Dicke Katzen, arrogante Eulen und legend?ɬ§re Versager”

    Quiz about web phenomena
    Fat cats, arrogant owls and legendary loosers

    So, which category do you fall in 😎

  6. BTW ads by Google is getting really good: you have 7 (!!) ads for hair products on this page. One should have the right shampoo for you.

    (Or is the whole story just bait for higher paying ads?)

  7. you look beat – take care of yourself more

    rest, healthy food, exercise, spiritual stuff, etc

  8. You need to lose 30 lbs. Eat less, blog or walk more…

  9. You need to lose 30 lbs. Eat less, blog or walk more…

  10. You need to lose 30 lbs. Eat less, blog or walk more…

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  1. Bookmarks about Pics - October 23, 2008

    […] – bookmarked by 2 members originally found by winxgirlpower on 2008-10-04 Solis takes a good picture – bookmarked by 2 members […]