Sometimes the attacks are uncalled for, defending Micheal Arrington

admin —  January 4, 2007 — 1 Comment

I know Cam of Gday World fame will read this and think that I’m sucking up to Arrington again, but as long time readers will know, my comment is neither for sale, nor is it anything other than representative of my honest beliefs. Of course, as to the matter of whether they are flawed or not will be a subject for history alone.

But I digress, because Michael Calore at Wired has published a rather reprehensable attack on Michael Arrington under the guise of the “Best Blogfights of 2006”. Mike Arrington vs Everyone as a sub headline is unfair at best. Sure, there’s been some ups and downs, but “everyone”?… please. Whilst I believe the question of editoral integrity is a fair one, I also believe that Arrington is doing a very good job given the possible conflicts his investments do provide…and don’t believe for one minute that I’m excusing him on the topic, it’s a topic that I have covered here at, and it’s a position in which I’ve been before. Arrington continues to do a great job at TechCrunch, and readership figures for my liking always speak volumes for the truth. Perhaps Calore was on the end of a bad review, or one of his mates? No one is perfect, and neither is Michael Arrington, but I beleive history will show that Arrington was and is the No. 1 muse of Web 2.0, whether you like hime or not.