Syntagma looking good

admin —  December 12, 2006 — 2 Comments

OK, so some people are going to have some fun with the headline, but I mean it sincerely. I was cleaning up some of my sidebar links today (ok, it’s like spring cleaning in summer) and I realised I was pointing to the old Syntagma Media site, I fixed the link and thought I might drop over. OK, so the some what questionable multi coloured headers are still in place over the individual blogs, but the “network magazine” sites (channel portals)…we’ll they’re looking good, real good even:


The three sites are Phi, Allusionz and LifeTimes. I’m not sure what John paid Thord to design them, but I’ve got to say it was money well spent, and certainly adds a real professional touch to the network. Congrats on a job well done.

