TechCrunch Party wait list open

admin —  October 27, 2006 — 3 Comments

Mike Arrington with the good news for those who cant get a ticket. I’m not sure I’m allowed to say from who, but I managed to get a ticket so I’ll be in NY on the 16th. My first trip to the States as well, and all for a tech party, so here’s hoping it’s all good, which I’m sure it will be. Given there will now be 2 parties and if you’re chasing a ticket, I’d sign up to the waiting list quick smart.

I’m particularly looking forward to meeting some of the event’s sponsors, Blog Talk Radio would be top of the list: I still think it’s a facinating idea, Right Media with their ad auction service should be of interest, plus obviously some of the other Web 2.0 startups, both from a personal interest perspective and looking at some of the services on offer in relation to what we are doing at b5media. Of course did I forget to mention the opportunity to meet some great Web 2.0 people in the Capital of the free world?! fun, fun.


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