Technorati AP deal win-win for bloggers

admin —  May 24, 2006 — 1 Comment

Great news for all bloggers, with a deal announced by AP with Technorati that will see links to blogs citing AP stories provided to all newspapers that subscribe to AP.

From an AP story at

Technorati will search blogs for postings that include links to AP stories. Links to those postings will be available along with the original AP stories on 440 member Web sites served by AP Hosted News, a service that uses AP servers to display AP content on member sites. There also will be a box featuring the “Top Five Most Blogged About” AP stories.

I’m not sure whether all 440 member web sites will take up the option, but it’s still going to provide more opportunities for bloggers to gain traffic when reporting on AP stories. Congrats to David and the rest of the team at Technorati.

Update: more details at the Technorati blog here, as well as an example page from the Buffalo News.

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