Technorati Top 100

June 22, 2009

I’m betting it’s probably a bug, although we’ve jumped around before a few hundred spots at a time. Last time I checked we were in the top 300, out from about 170.

The Inquisitr: Blog Reactions on Technorati

8 responses to Technorati Top 100

  1. Congratulations. I guess this means you've “made it”.

  2. Congratulations, I guess. I've never been able to fully figure out how the Technorati ranking system works … seems I'm not the only one 😉 Still, enjoy this while it lasts, with Technorati's apparently random nature, it might not last that long. …

  3. This is truly great to know, it's truly great to have associated with your blog!

  4. I don't think anybody is reading my blog because they don't know it exists. How do I make it so people know it exists? My writing is no worse than anyone else's, so if I am making it freely available on the web, it should be showing up in searches on Google and Technorati and other web/blog search engines.

  5. I don't think anybody is reading my blog because they don't know it exists. How do I make it so people know it exists? My writing is no worse than anyone else's, so if I am making it freely available on the web, it should be showing up in searches on Google and Technorati and other web/blog search engines.

  6. I don't think anybody is reading my blog because they don't know it exists. How do I make it so people know it exists? My writing is no worse than anyone else's, so if I am making it freely available on the web, it should be showing up in searches on Google and Technorati and other web/blog search engines.

  7. I saw this plugin in action at InspirationBit before getting to know you. I was impressed that I was able to edit my comments. I wondered how Vivien made that possible.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Quest to 100 - July 3, 2009

    […] June 22 was a blip, but Technorati has sorted it out ever since, at least we’ve been steady for over a week. Quest to 100. […]