The Chartreuse New Orleans mission part 1

September 18, 2006

The long awaited first installment of the Chartreuse citizen media experiement has been delivered.


Skip the Youtube insert and go straight to the .mov link at the bottom, the quality is much better. Superb editing. Interesting conversation. Interesting feedback, the compare and contrast montage at the end was quite honestly moving.

8 more installments to go.

Folks, head on over to Chartreuse and take a look. This is where the cool kids are, the ones with a brain in their heads that don’t always look at the world through geek-coloured glasses. I want in. We are looking at the future of citizen media. It’s being played out right now. Will this experiment change the world? probably not, and yet if it inspired others to seek the truth this could become a seed of a new revolution.


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3 responses to The Chartreuse New Orleans mission part 1

  1. Do you see any possibilities for similar citizen media here in Australia? By which I mean stories that aren’t being told and would be of interest to the wider world.

  2. Thnak you for the kind words.

  3. Interesting thought Mr Angry. I hear the people in FNQ aren’t very happy with the Cyclone Larry Cleanup, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near New Orleans in terms of an issue. We already know what’s going on in Aboriginal communities, so there’s nothing really to expose there…I’m open to ideas, there must be something, although I suspect that as Australia is that much smaller that it’s harder to sweep stuff under the counter like you can in the States so we are better informed as to what’s going on.