The Inquisitr By The Numbers

June 6, 2008

Today marks 1 month since The Inquisitr launched. I was going to write something over on the site about the 1 month mark but the last time I wrote a post about the site people used OutBrain to rate it poorly, besides, I don’t do self indulgent well anyway…well my personal blog aside 🙂

Having said that being transparent to a point is an important part of blogging/ publishing 2.0 so here’s some numbers from 6pm AEST June 6. Some constantly fluctuate so hence the proviso in terms of when the figures apply to

Page views

Awstats 5 May- 4:15 5 June: 415080
Google Analytics 9 May – 5 June: 136,768 (note missing the opening big 4 days)

Feedburner: 2155 across 4 feeds.

Authority: 339
Rank: 12505

Leaderboard 51st
Bloggerboard (30 day rolling) 51st, (7 day rolling) 32nd
Writers: me (30 day rolling) 29th (includes two TC posts), (7 day rolling) 10th

Alexa one week: 36,041 3months: 349,347
Compete: 129,714 “people” for May
Quantcast: predicts a monthly unique of 82,426

Services running on the site
Adsense (one unit only…and not for long)
FriendFeed (via WordPress plugin)

Services tried but down
Outbrain (subject to review)

The Metaverse Journal

Widgets Running
Display: Techmeme, BlogCatalog
Available for users: iGoogle | Netvibes | Opera | webpage/ blog

There’s probably other things as well I’ll think of later. My thanks to those who have supported myself and the team along the way. After a low second week the site is starting to trend upwards, not huge overnight growth but sustainable, solid growth. More next time.

11 responses to The Inquisitr By The Numbers

  1. Slow and steady wins the race… Keep up the great work!

  2. Congrats on hitting the one month mark and showing a really solid start. I look forward to reading more. Would love to see a podcast develop down the road as well.

  3. in the works 🙂

  4. Great results. Even better, I'm really enjoying what the eclectic mix of posts!

  5. When you say one Adsense unit, and not for long….do you mean you'll remove it, or ad more?

  6. I love Inquisitr, it's the only site where Microsoft, Pamela Anderson, Yahoo and Britney Spears will ever occur on the same page.

    Congratulations on the site.

  7. We don?±‚ǹ‚ѱt fall in love when we are in the company of someone, we fall in love when we are off by ourselves thinking about them afterwards.

    Its quite clear that we enjoy being in eachothers company and like having fun together. And its also plainly obvious that a butt naked angel called cupid doesn?±‚ǹ‚ѱt shoot an arrow into our asses.

    But it is when you are on your own and you find yourself thinking about someone in such a unique way, that allows you to list all the qualities about them you really like, and imagine yourself with them connecting together with the flow of your personalities, is when a feeling of love begins to take place deep inside of you. And although you may try push these feelings down or talk yourself out of them, you only find it comes back 10 times more powerful than ever before, allowing you to fall into deeper emotional states of falling for this person during moments of the day. With me, according to my experiences with people, theres always potential connections that can be built between us as human beings.

    When you recall a time in your past when you fell in love, where you then able to stay cool, in control of yourself and the relationship? Or where you calling that person everyday, always wanting to see them, thinking about them and eager to experience a growing connection with them?

    Heres the point: We do not fall in love by ?±‚ǹ?ĂŹtripping?±‚ǹ¬Ăč over or falling into a ?±‚ǹ?ĂŹhole!?±‚ǹ¬Ăč Love is a process we do to ourselves! And there are always new ways to discover how love can manifest between us – to the point where you act upon it right now!

  8. We don’t fall in love when we are in the company of someone, we fall in love when we are off by ourselves thinking about them afterwards.

    Its quite clear that we enjoy being in eachothers company and like having fun together. And its also plainly obvious that a butt naked angel called cupid doesn’t shoot an arrow into our asses.

    But it is when you are on your own and you find yourself thinking about someone in such a unique way, that allows you to list all the qualities about them you really like, and imagine yourself with them connecting together with the flow of your personalities, is when a feeling of love begins to take place deep inside of you. And although you may try push these feelings down or talk yourself out of them, you only find it comes back 10 times more powerful than ever before, allowing you to fall into deeper emotional states of falling for this person during moments of the day. With me, according to my experiences with people, theres always potential connections that can be built between us as human beings.

    When you recall a time in your past when you fell in love, where you then able to stay cool, in control of yourself and the relationship? Or where you calling that person everyday, always wanting to see them, thinking about them and eager to experience a growing connection with them?

    Heres the point: We do not fall in love by “tripping” over or falling into a “hole!” Love is a process we do to ourselves! And there are always new ways to discover how love can manifest between us – to the point where you act upon it right now!

  9. We don’t fall in love when we are in the company of someone, we fall in love when we are off by ourselves thinking about them afterwards.

    Its quite clear that we enjoy being in eachothers company and like having fun together. And its also plainly obvious that a butt naked angel called cupid doesn’t shoot an arrow into our asses.

    But it is when you are on your own and you find yourself thinking about someone in such a unique way, that allows you to list all the qualities about them you really like, and imagine yourself with them connecting together with the flow of your personalities, is when a feeling of love begins to take place deep inside of you. And although you may try push these feelings down or talk yourself out of them, you only find it comes back 10 times more powerful than ever before, allowing you to fall into deeper emotional states of falling for this person during moments of the day. With me, according to my experiences with people, theres always potential connections that can be built between us as human beings.

    When you recall a time in your past when you fell in love, where you then able to stay cool, in control of yourself and the relationship? Or where you calling that person everyday, always wanting to see them, thinking about them and eager to experience a growing connection with them?

    Heres the point: We do not fall in love by “tripping” over or falling into a “hole!” Love is a process we do to ourselves! And there are always new ways to discover how love can manifest between us – to the point where you act upon it right now!

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  1. Duncan on the 1st Month of The Inquisitr : The Blog Herald - June 9, 2008

    […] Riley’s new site The Inquisitr is now 1 month old, and he’s been kind enough to share the success, because I sure think we need to call it that so far. Some quotes: Page views Awstats 5 May- 4:15 5 […]