The sound of email silence.

admin —  February 14, 2007 — 7 Comments

serverOne problem solved. As I mentioned in (possibly my last) weekly column at The Blogging Times this week, I’ve had to spend money on infrastructure, another box (dedicated hosting box) to be precise, making my sum total of boxes to 3. The problem I had was the new box wasn’t provisioned until yesterday (Tuesday) lunchtime, and in the mean time Box 2 was flipping out, it got so bad that Apache was failing every 5-10 minutes, sometimes more often, every single time resulting in an email from the box to me. It’s over, god bless, and now the numbers are sweet, apache has been up for a day, and all is good in the world again…and no more apache failed email messages. A personal victory, but one I thought I might share 🙂