This has got to be a spoof, right?

September 3, 2006


The New New Internet Conference. Christopher Locke notes that his favourite line is “Gain a Deep, Non-Technical Understanding of Web 2.0”, personally I like “How to Apply Web 2.0 Techniques to Improve Life and Business”…yeh, like we really all want to adopt Web 2.0 in life and business, after all it would involve taking a pile of money and pissing it up against the wall, hoping that your urine turns to gold without actually having a plan as to how to actually turn the urine into gold, and without assessing whether the gold was actually needed in the marketplace anyway (a solution without a problem) 🙂



One response to This has got to be a spoof, right?

  1. Hang on, I thought Web 2 Oh was already a spoof. Damn!

    My Fav:
    Opening Comments: Including a brief summary of the industry?ɬ¢?¢‚Äö¬¨?¢‚Äû¬¢s best Web 2.0 definitions

    Hmmm … there’s a whole conference right there – explain to the masses just exactly what is w2.0 – should be a fun opening. You can ask 100 people for their meaning of w2.0 and you’ll probably get 110 different replies … and watch the cliches being thrown left, right and centre.