Wanted: one Amstrad CPC6128

July 3, 2009


Because I’m getting old….well, at least I think that explains my obsession with the 1980’s (I mostly listen now to 80’s online radio), I’ve been trying to rebuy things from my youth.

About 2 years ago I bought a beautiful original wood grained 1977 model Atari 2600… but ignore the fact that the Atari I had as a kid was the 1981 version with black plastic because it wasn’t nearly as pretty. It’s been in a box ever since we moved to Melbourne, but now I’ll be working from a cave I’m going to break it out.

But next on the list is my very first computer. When all my friends had the Commodore 64, my mother smartly decided that the Amstrad series offered far better graphics (the CPC 6128 had 64 colors, and 128k of Ram.) Of course the sad thing was that at least in Australia, the Amstrad CPC series never really took off. I could go as a kid to Grace Bros (now Myer) and they had a single section (sort of straight up row) dedicated to Amstrad product, but they had 3 for the Commodore.

My mother very sadly gave away that computer, along with all the software I’d programmed for it…and sold. Yes, at the age of 13 I sold about $500 AUD worth of Amstrad software because I’d taught myself Basic to the point that I’d come up with a program that printed fonts…. don’t laugh, fonts were rare back then.

So now I’m trying to find one to buy to add to by collection (I’ll probably buy a C64 afterwards just because I’ve never had one) but I can’t find one to buy. I’ve been monitoring eBay for 3 months, both in Australia and overseas….nothing.

In that time I could have bought a BBC Micro (very rare), a Microbee (even rarer) and the original Sega computer. But no 6128.

If you know someone who has one in the garage, or someone who wants to sell one, pls let me know. The last time I saw one was about a year ago, it went for about $200 with a monitor, I’d be willing to pay a bit more than that to own it.

22 responses to Wanted: one Amstrad CPC6128

  1. I had a Commodore 128D. LUXURY

  2. I had this http://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.as… – but my monitor was b&w whit a Hercules graphics card… 🙂

    I still remember the magic little software “simcga.com” that I used to play CGA games on my crappy hercules card…

    That was my first computer, since I used to play with my cousin's C64. Great memories.

  3. Here we go with geek sentimentality. I used to be a ZX Spectrum 48K geek back in my teens, never had the issue with lack of software. You see in my country, if you believe it, they actually aired software through radio, and you basically “saved” the transmission on your cassette recorder 🙂 for free. So I had shelves of Spectrum games.
    I also learned Basic – from early dates was into interface design, and would you believe it programmed my first “window based” program. It didnt do anything, because as I said I just stuck with interfaces 🙂

  4. My first computer was a VIC-20 — 4KB of RAM and a cassette deck to load/save programs. Started learning BASIC on it and pretty quickly graduated to a proper IBM XT-compatible 🙂 Too bad that those old IBM-compatible aren't collectable items as the old Commodore though.

  5. My mother very sadly gave away that computer, along with all the software I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d programmed for it?¢‚Ǩ¬¶and sold them .

  6. Did a quick search on your Amstrad on eBay Au and USA and found none. Must be quite obscure. We did have a shop in London here in the UK that sold old gaming gear, so there's a market out there somewhere.

    I'm trying to get rid of gear at the moment. I find it weighs on your mind and fills up all your storage space (and depreciates in value too darn quickly).

  7. I have on of these with original monotor clour, manual games and joystick and im sticking it on ebay next week.

  8. My CPC464 went to the school fete in 1991. So, now I use an emulator. Which means I can play all the games I could never find in my local store (Yie-Ar-Kung-Fu, A Boy And His Blob, Trollie Wallie 2, etc).

    Emulators mean my 1980s gaming can live on forever.

  9. smarttechnologies July 14, 2009 at 8:49 am

    Did computer technology reach its apex with the launch of the Amstrad CPC6128?

  10. Umm….. I've got an Amstrad 6128 that might need a good home…
    Email me if you're still looking.

  11. Haha this is great. I remember the old Commodore, but not this. I wonder where they all are? Dusty at garage sales somewhere… Good luck!

  12. Haha this is great. I remember the old Commodore, but not this. I wonder where they all are? Dusty at garage sales somewhere… Good luck!

  13. Hmmmm, I have a couple in the shed, plus about 20 games

  14. I have an Amstrad CPC6128 for sale (UK PAL version) with lots of games, joysticks, original manual, etc. £200 sterling ono. email – peterpan1709@aol.com for more info.

  15. I have an Amstrad CPC6128 for sale (UK PAL version) with lots of games, joysticks, original manual, etc. £200 sterling ono. email – peterpan1709@aol.com for more info.

  16. Lindsay Braddock February 8, 2010 at 4:47 am

    I have a fully functional Amstrad CPC6128 complete with original manual and loads of discs with games and utilities. Contact me if you are interested.

  17. FREE Microbee Hard Disk System – Working – Also all books & documentation ideal for some enthusiest – rather give to someone than throw it out – moving house March 2010 NSW Australia. graham_cowling@hotmail.com

  18. I have an Amstrad cpc6128 with monitor and other add-ons and a set of magazines and tons of software This is free to anyone who collects it – need the space in the loft.
    I also have a Dragon 32 with software – I am open to offers on that.

  19. IF U STILL HAVE THA AMSTRAD CPC 6128 AND WANT TO SELL IT MAIL ME AT Dimdelta@yahoo.gr!!! As u can see i am from Greece and a huge fun of that marvellows machine!!!

  20. IF U STILL HAVE THA AMSTRAD CPC 6128 AND WANT TO SELL IT MAIL ME AT Dimdelta@yahoo.gr!!! As u can see i am from Greece and a huge fun of that marvellows machine!!!

  21. Thanks for the write up! Also
    The post is simply superb. .
    +1 for you

  22. FOR SALE: Amstrad CPC6128 Computer, Joystick & 2 Disks – Refurbished @eBay! http://r.ebay.com/9h6Wb4