Web 2.0 company Pageflakes resorts to Web 1.0 email spam

admin —  June 9, 2006 — 4 Comments

Pageflakes, apparently yet another Web 2.0 online-OS startup, has resorted to spamming people in an attempt to get their RSS subs button up on blogs. I received this email from Pageflakes on 5 June:

From: Tegan Harris (Pageflakes) tegan@pageflakes.com
Reply to: tegan@pageflakes.com
Date: 5/06/2006 8:58pm
To: nichenet@gmail.com

Hi Seth,

My name is Tegan and I am part of the Pageflakes team. I have visited your Blog and noticed that you offer a RSS subscription service to your users. May I suggest that you add the Pageflakes RSS subscription feature, too?

You can then use this button http://www.pageflakes.com/subscribe2.gif in combination with the link below:

http://www.pageflakes.com/subscribe.aspx?url= (followed by your Feed URL)

If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me.

With kind regards

Tegan Harris

www.pageflakes.com – The Web at your Fingertips
Latest News: Check out our sharing feature http://tinyurl.com/zgla5

Disappointing really, that a Web 2.0 startup would resort to spamming, particularly when they can’t even use their you beaut Ajax driven tech to actually get my name right in their spam email!
