June 12, 2006

The Score says it all:

Australia 3 v Japan 1


Next stop: Brazil.

8 responses to YOU BLOODY BEAUTY!

  1. I just finished watching the match here in the UK and want to wish the Aussies all the best against Brazil..great stuff!

  2. I’m mildly confident, as long as we bring Cahill and Aloisi on a bit earlier than the Japan game….also not having a blind Egyption referee for the Brazil game will help us as well.

  3. Actually, I think we have a much better chance 🙂

  4. oh it great .i got more detail about beauty.thank for sharing.

  5. oh it great .i got more detail about beauty.thank for sharing.

  6. oh it great .i got more detail about beauty.thank for sharing.

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  1. Challenge to Duncan: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is :) » Technology, Blogging and Politics - June 20, 2006

    […] My good friend Duncan is tootl-rooing over the Australian soccer team’s victory over Japan yesterday. Somehow he has it in his mind that because Australia beat Japan, they somehow have it in them to beat the number one team in the world, the team with 5 World Cup championships (2 in the past 3 Cups). […]