How long till we get (if ever) to those kind of speeds here in Australia ???
I’d be happy with half of that.
Isn’t it time we in the Aussie B’sphere whip this pollies into shape and get them of their bums and take action to deliver what we’re really lacking against most of the rest of the world.
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I dream about broadband speeds that fast in Australia, but it is unlikely we are going to see them at least for the next five year or so.
I’m getting 7 mb download speed in Canada on Bell’s Sympatico Highspeed.
Guess that’s pretty good.
How long till we get (if ever) to those kind of speeds here in Australia ???
I’d be happy with half of that.
Isn’t it time we in the Aussie B’sphere whip this pollies into shape and get them of their bums and take action to deliver what we’re really lacking against most of the rest of the world.
Hi Duncan
It is surprising to see the difference in speeds between Aus and the rest.
What’s the deal there?
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