You pay for what you get, an adventure in DIYPVR

admin —  April 26, 2005

It was a long weekend here in Australia and I’ve been slowly buying bits a pieces of ebay and other places to build my own PVR. I was eyeing either GB PVR or MythTV to run it and at last had everything ready to go. Guess what, 3 days later and still no show. Why? A cheap TV card, a Leadtek WinFast 2000 XP thing-a-me-bob, which works great with the crappy software provided with the card, but doesn’t actually work with anything else. I’ve download every open source media centre/ pvr software out there, and a couple of commercial trials as well, and NOT ONE WORKS WITH IT!!!!!
Just goes to show you get what you pay for. Now if I can only find a Hauppauge PVR 250 which is not the MCE version I’ll bet set.