Archives For Bizarre

This: Howard Lindzon in a Bra–the Remix. WTF doesn’t even cover this in terms of bizarre. (via 1938media)

Check out this shot from Google Maps of the Southern part of the Sydney CBD:


Notice in particular the angle of the buildings at the top of the shot to the buildings and the bottom half…yes, it would appear from the shot that buildings in Sydney eat each other.

It gets worse. This shot from further North in the Sydney CBD. The MLC building is bottom left of screen, Chifley Square (where I use to work in 95, just after it opened) is top right. The MLC Center is scaled top to bottom of screen, the buildings to the right between Phillip Street and Macquarie Street (didn’t need the map overlay for that, my memory is still good πŸ™‚ ) are bottom to top of screen: WTF?


Moving across town it gets better. The very first building I ever worked full time in, in Sydney, Australia Square looks like it’s going to fall! OMG!


Thankfully it’s leaning South. The Australian Stock Exchange use to be based directly North of Australia Square at 20 Bond Street, below what was then the home of the millionaire factory, Macquarie Bank.

Anyone have any ideas why half the buildings in Sydney are leaning one way where as the rest are leaning the opposite? Is this a distortion in space time perhaps, particularly given it would appear nearly on a building by building basis? πŸ™‚

The Nanny State Strikes Again

admin —  February 23, 2007 — 3 Comments

Will it ever end. Probably not. The Hyundai Commercial with the driving baby has been banned in Australia according to the SMH:

The Advertising Standards Board ordered Hyundai to pull the advertisement for its Santa Fe model on Tuesday after it ruled that it depicted under-age driving and promoted unlawful behaviour.

It also ruled that the wearing of seatbelts instead of approved child restraints was a matter of safety and should be discouraged in ads.

Some days you just want to move to another country. Today is one of those days.

Enjoy it from YouTube though if you’re Australian, you’ll never see it on TV again. (I could only find the NZ version at YouTube, the Australian version is identical accept for the voiceover at the end)

I;ve see some terrible media releases posted on sites such as PR Web, but today I found the worst:

Glamwire is the New Blog, A Valentine to Fashion

The heading says it all. If that sounds seriously drug f*cked, try the rest of the release. Highlights include:

“The work of cartoonist Cal Rhodes is an over the top surreal capturing of the art of the designers…Nicole Miller models emerge from giant cuckoo clocks”

It gets better. If anyone can translate, let me know πŸ™‚

Australians are fond of shortening names of Government Departments (in part because the web address for each is usually shortened as well), the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is known as DFAT, the Australian Tax Office is commonly known at the ATO, and here in Western Australian the former Department of Fair Trading was renamed to the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection when Labor took office, becoming DOCEP… so what exactly was the Prime Minister thinking when he renamed the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (known commonly as DIMIA) to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIC). Certainly I support the dropping of the Multicultural Affairs name from the Department, it’s divisive and should never have been there in the first place, but DIC? Is this part of the Howard Governments attempts to win over the Pink vote in Inner City Sydney. Coming to Australia, you’ll need to deal with DIC!

(hat tip to Trevor Cook)

Plain Wrong

admin —  January 16, 2007 — Leave a comment

From the only in America files:

A teacher is convicted of endangering minors after porn popups appeared on her computer.

A 16 year old kid has his life ruined in Arizona after child porn is found on his computer. A forensics specialist finds 200 separate trojans, malware and spyware.

All US based podcasters could be forced to apply DRM to their podcasts if they include music of any form.

Is it any wonder that they can’t get Iraq right? or is that a very, very long bow πŸ˜‰

I’m Spiderman

admin —  December 31, 2006 — 1 Comment

Another meme, but I couldn’t help it, via Dave Winer:

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

The Flash
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Iron Man
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Yaro has a new picture

admin —  December 11, 2006 — 5 Comments


Isn’t it interesting how we judge people my their pictures? Yaro Starak has a new one up on his site, and it’s about 5000% better than the last one, although it looks like someone still needs to buy him a haircut πŸ™‚ No offense Yaro, but your old picture, to me, reminded me of Yahoo Serious. You look a lot more serious (pardon the pun) now….although did I mention the hair. Cmon ladies, send Yaro a note telling him how much better he would look (and hence attractive) without all that hair! πŸ™‚

Weird email from Skype today, no bloody idea what it means:


Maybe they think Australians speak German? A hearty De nieuwe verbeterde Skype voor Windows is uit to you Skype.

God Hates Blogs

admin —  October 10, 2006 — 4 Comments

Looks like the looney religous right isn’t into blogging because it’s evil, according to Kevin D. Denee of the Restored Church of God:

Should teenagers and others in the Church express themselves to the world through blogs? Because of the obvious dangers; the clear biblical principles that apply; the fact that it gives one a voice; that it is almost always idle words; that teens often do not think before they do; that it is acting out of boredom; and it is filled with appearances of evil — blogging is simply not to be done in the Church. It should be clear that it is unnecessary and in fact dangerous on many levels.

Let me emphasize that no one — including adults — should have a blog or personal website (unless it is for legitimate business purposes).
