comScore at it again

admin —  December 11, 2006 — Leave a comment

Forbes reports on the internet metrics tracking company comScore’s software being installed without users knowledge, not the first time I might add, given my online services treat the comScore software and Malware and Spyware:

“[The] software is sneaking onto users’ computers without the user agreeing to receive it,” says Harvard University researcher Ben Edelman, who documented at least ten unauthorized comScore downloads. Eric Howes, director of malware research at antivirus company Sunbelt Software, and his researchers separately observed hundreds of unauthorized comScore downloads in a three-month period this fall. (Edelman and Howes spend their days patrolling the Internet for new threats.)

I’m sure comScore investor and Director Fred Wilson will deny it again, but Harvard isn’t exactly a backyard research lab now, is it.

(via Slashdot)