Down but not out

November 19, 2006

My many thanks to everyone who let me know that was down. It’s not b5 related, I promise, and u can all take that with my personal I don’t lie certification. It’s just after 7pm US EST time as I’m writing this, but just 4 possibly the first time in my life, I’m actuallly at that time zone. It would appear that with the traffic spike, being on my personal box, that it went down for a while. My side projects, people I know who have projects etc….that’s the box I’m on, it’s been like that for 12 months, although this site was only on there previously. I will at this stage add something of substance: f*ck, I’m really not famous. When I’m talking to Prince and he’s telling me that ppl signed up to The Blogging Times because I did. That’s nut’s. For the mad few of you who care what I write….Struth. If you want to insert Steve Irwin there go for it. Because to me it’s so Bizarre. When I startered blogging I did it because I liked blogging, and that’s the honest to god truth. There was never an alteramotive. Ever. That some people out there treat me as a minor celebrity……..OMG! To every one though who is ready this. There is as always one thing I would ask: if I ever get so far up myself, so self obsessed. For the love of god tell me. It’s easy to get out of control, and yet it’s harder to remember where you’ve come from.

4 responses to Down but not out

  1. Good to see an Australian mixing it with the big boys Duncan!
    Kept up the good work, I Say!

    wHooiz Clarke Scott?

  2. Struth, he’s back online …

    Any hints on your side projects – just between you and me 🙂

    BTW, those last 3 lines in your post – you are talking about yourself, aren’t you? 😉

  3. Dunc – you are so far up yerself that I can only see yer feet sticking out. Don’t ever change man. 🙂

    wHooiz Cameron Reilly?

  4. Geez mate, no chance of you being anything BUT Australian, is there? Asking people to smack you down if you get too up yourself!