Feedburner sucks!

admin —  February 26, 2006 — 1 Comment

God, I’m running the sucks theme here now 🙂

So here’s my sucks for the day: Feedburner.

I number of blogs and bloggers I read use this service (I won’t name names though, but you know who you are) and they’ve nearly all been uncontactable/ not updating in Bloglines for a week. I’ve corresponded with a few people who’ve told me Feedburner is blaming Bloglines…which is odd really because its only Feedburner feeds that are having the problem. If they’re using compliant (ie Dave Winer compliant) RSS I’d think they wouldn’t have a problem….but maybe its all in my head and they really don’t suck at all.

I’ve had a play with Feedburner in the past and I still don’t get why it’s all that amazing. Sure, you get to see that Bloglines, Yahoo and others are pulling your feed, so what? I knew that already from the Awstats feeds I was getting when I still owned The Blog Herald!