Finally In The Cloud

April 8, 2008

I’ve finally switched hosting across to MediaTemple to see if grid hosting offers a better outcome than a server. So far, so good. I’m nearly totally up with Plesk now and now I know how to get around it, it seems easier than cPanel/ WHM. Cost is reasonable, not super cheap, but these guys are hosting a lot of big blogs so they should know their stuff if something goes wrong (and how many times have I had hosts in the past that have blamed WordPress when things go wrong). I’ll report back if it goes pear-shapped: the only negative so far is that MediaTemple simply don’t respond to support tickets in any reasonable time frame (I had one there for over 24 hours without response), however calling them directly was easy and sorted the problem out.

2 responses to Finally In The Cloud

  1. Maybe it’s the ex-unix nut in me, but I just like having my own dedicated linux box sitting in a datacenter with my name on it 🙂

    But just think – now you’re at (mt) with Scrivs 🙂


  2. Matt
    I didn’t say I went with the base level shared hosting, did I 🙂 DV (dedicated virtual), which is a step down from my previous dedicated server, but it gives all of the same advantages (everything really) but with the ability to add to it without the need for a separate box or hardware install, and the problems a box has when you need to add to it. It’s my lack of unix prowess that makes me like this 🙂