Going down the Full Feed path.

April 19, 2006

Inspired by Darren, and also because I forgot to do it earlier, I’ve turned on the full feed here at duncanriley.com. It’s going to hurt what little traffic reads my personal rants, but to be honest….I don’t really care. As they say in the for love or money stakes, I’m blogging here because I want to (love) and I’m not really all that concerned in terms of traffic and dollars from this site. What I do have to do now is pull out the proforma DMCA notice because I’d guess it will take no more than a few days to start getting all the content ripped now 🙂

3 responses to Going down the Full Feed path.

  1. After all the talk of partial feeds I’d be interested in knowing why you’ve had a change of heart… I’m still finding a few sites every week that are ripping my stuff, so I hate the idea of giving them access to full feeds…I’d love to be able to give it to my legitimate readers, though.

  2. It’s great that you’ve switched over! It’s hard for people with mobile phones to read partial feeds because you can’t load the blog (Or at least not on my Sprint you can’t!). Good for you!